B and E met each other during the same time that I met my hubby. We all spent a few months on the road together traveling from Canada down to Mexico in vans, sleeping in hotels and camping in the great outdoors for our landscape architecture studio during sophomore year of college. I haven’t seen them in about ten (TEN!!) years and I was so excited to see them again and meet their adorable little girls. I still can’t get over how cute their kiddos are – look at those blue eyes!! We met for our session at the College of Design at ISU…where we all spent many late nights working on projects. 🙂
Jenny Erichsen hello@jennyerichsen.comSearch
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© 2012 Jenny Erichsen Photography • hello@jennyerichsen.com • child + family photographer • serving Ames, Story City, Roland, Randall, Gilbert, Huxley, Ankeny, Des Moines, IA |ProPhoto Blogsite by NetRivet Sites